Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Ethiopia Eve Eve.  It's similar to CEE aka...Christmas Eve Eve...when I am in a state of panic...somewhere between "What did I forget?"  and  "I can't wait until Christmas morning!"  Only, this isn't Christmas, Virginia.  And I am NOT Santa Claus.  I am just a mom.  I won't be able to make a dent in the complex poverty structure in Korah, nor will I be able to carry enough shoes for everyone that needs them.  I am just a mom.  I would have loved to have been able to bring 100 home-sewn dresses...I should have thought about starting that months ago.  Ha...Andrea...I think I have a "foolish project" project in mind! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

three more days

what....three more days?!!!!! yikes!
Shoes and sheets and school supplies...packed.
I have been pre-warned about the evening meltdowns (Moms' turn now) and the long days...
and the kids.  so many kids...I hope to sink into bed at night with exhaustion from the kids!  Please pray I don't get sick and can give everything I have.

I have also heard the internet will be sketchy...and I may not be able to update reliably, but I will try.  I will also not post pictures of everything...out of respect for the people we will serve...but I will try and share as much as I can.  Thanks again, everyone for your support in making this possible for me!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Exciting pre-travel news!

This just in from Stacy... "I am so excited! we are going to be able to put the beds together!!!!!!! In the houses. I can not believe we are getting this opportunity! We also have decided to buy a family bed (big bed) because most houses will not hold a bunk style. We are going to be able to purchase 17 beds, 17 mattresses and 17 blankets!!! AHHHHHH. In other news karlee and I visited the dump area today. Kill us now. We also did 7 home visits. love you all see you all soon!!!" Cool..... And on a side note, we did reach our goal of collecting nearly 100 sets of sheets for the students who will be re-entering school in the fall. They will be so excited!!!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

100 or bust

This is what 100 pounds of donations looks like...all bagged up and tidy. Unzip the zipper and you will have an explosion of scientific proportions. lol. It's a good thing at least one of the bags has wheels. And I actually went to Target the other day to buy a "smaller" bag for my own belongings because I thought the suitcase I planned on taking was too big. haha. I needed room for the extras that didn't fit in my two allotted humanitarian aid bags, and then there is the whole female problem of not knowing what to bring to wear.....but at least I won't be alone...I bet Susan is struggling as well!! Thanks to all my awesome friends!! I've been blessed!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Geek post

I recently read on my favorite science Facebook page that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon ... Controlled by a computer that was less powerful than a iPhone. So I think I can make it to Ethiopia and back... Take lots of photos, update the blog, keep in touch with family through Skype, check on and confirm flights and entertain myself with games and music all on one device . Got my new phone today... Almost ready to go!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Can Twizzlers make your poop red?

Just curious.....
SOOO excited. Began packing tonight...because the stuff is taking over my sewing room. So far it weighs in at 106 pounds of donated sheets (27 sets!), shoes for the kids, soccer balls, bubbles and school supplies. That's over my weight limit and I didn't even pack the Twizzlers yet! A third bag will be needed. :) Just having a little panic attack over actually maneuvering the bags into the airport...hmm...I'll have to get a cart or something. Our fearless leader Stacy has arrived in Ethiopia with her awesome girls. I can't wait to give them all a big hug! One of Ellie's favorite teachers asked me today..."What will she do without you for two weeks?" My reply: She will spend the 4th of July weekend on Long Island at my parents "retreat" where she will swim and go to the beach and play with her cousins, she will go to theater camp for a week (which she LOVES!), ride her bike and hunt for bugs after dinner, be spoiled by relatives and friends, and take care of the boys left at home by trying to do all the "mommy chores" by herself. On second thought...I could probably stay a month before she notices I'm gone!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

...3 weeks and counting

Most frequent 5 questions I am asked about my trip..... 1. Are you going for service or vacation? This is a trip of service that I am choosing and will be accompanied by women I love to be with. Does that make it both? Given that there is no sewerage or running water...I would opt for the "service" option...but then again...I could have booked a Carnival Cruise... 2. How long is the plane ride? I don't know and am purposely not trying to figure out. Given that their are so many time will either take one hour or two days. 3. Will you miss Ellie? Don't be silly. I miss my daughter when I go to work EVERY DAY!!! But, I am good at this. 4. Isn't that a dangerous part of the world? From most accounts I've read...I don't believe so. The people are poor. Just very..very..poor. That doesn't make them dangerous. Cancoun is likely to be a more crime stricken area to travel to. 5. Are you excited? the question I hear most often from my good friends. The friends that really know me. The friends that can see my face and know my heart and know what makes me tick. And they are only sharing in the adventure by asking, because they already know the answer. xxx.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Not for the squeemish!

visit to the UCONN travel clinic...check. 6 immunizations later...3 advil, a big plate of pasta for dinner... and enough information handouts on scary infectious diseases to wall paper a small room. The good news is I figured out my BMI from the charts and I was pleasantly surprised. ;) But still, no big frosted donut like Ellie had after her tooth extraction last week! 4 more weeks until travel...

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

conference call....check

Guess what happens when you have several women...and one man...on a conference call??? Are you there, Lance? lol Thanks so much for all the helpful insight our fearless leader Stacy shared with us last night. I had difficulty sleeping following the conversations...thinking of what I needed to remember to bring...what not to do....what to have arranged ahead of time... But mostly, I worried. I worry that I don't know how to prepare myself for seeing and hearing the children we will not be able to feed...even though they will ask. I worry that I won't be able to "listen" and will do too much "talking." But mostly...I worry about seeing the women, with babies strapped their backs, who will plead with us to take their precious children back to America. To a family. To a house. To a doctor. To clean food and water. I don't think they have dreams of ... let's see... the dress up clothes, the gymnastics lessons, the birthday parties, the soccer teams...No, I'm quite sure they don't even imagine any of that.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kidane Mehret Children's Home

This is the orphanage that we will be visiting in Addis. So many sweet faces!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thanks for the contributions....still collecting!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

All my children...

"Watch my babies! Please!" Ellie is rolling them into the bathroom while I am furiously trying to finish getting ready for ... something. She unloads a few backpacks onto the floor. Out spill, what I suppose were baby necessities of doll clothes, an umbrella, some books, a small baby blanket and a set of Russian magic markers. She leaves. Comes back in a few minutes, this time toting more bags filled to rim so I have to ask..."Where are you going?" Ellie answers, "I'm going to some countries. I think first Africa, then maybe Bulgaria and California. And I need you to watch my babies. I have adopted them all...Oh, and here is a book if you want to adopt some more," as she gives me a crumpled American Girl Doll catalog. Big smile now. "I will be gone for seven weeks." Obviously, she is well prepared. She has packed almost all her jewelry, several lip glosses, a sweatshirt, my missing hairbrush, and some stuffed animals. Her other bag contains several packages of Avenger Fruit Snacks. I realize I have taught my daughter well, far better than the boy scouts could. She pops out, and back in. This time she goes over all the details of how to take care of her babies, leaving nothing for me to figure out on my own. She turns to leave, in her silver metallic heels and is on her way. I smile again but am still preoccupied with my own routine of "getting ready." It's then that I hear her talking to the pretend airline attendant. (I'm thinking this is really herself in the mirror...but hang on with me here.) Ellie tells...whoever it is....she is going on a trip to other countries and has left her babies with their grandmother. They will be taken care of and she won't worry, but she will miss them. Then she explains how she is going to help feed children who don't have any food or a house to live in. She talks about how she will bring them food and love them and help them make a house. And look...she is bringing them candy as well because when you don't have food you don't have candy. I'm awe struck. I'm crying...because I always tear up when I see the open heart my daughter has. Then, I realize...she's not pretending to be Merida, or Captain America or even....Darth Vader. This time...she's pretending to be me! nothing else...warms my heart.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Granby Girl Scouts Rock!

Granby Girl Scout Troop 66262 will be helping with the collection of new Twin bed sheets and school supplies. They have collection boxes at both Wells Road and Kelly Lane Schools. On Monday night I was welcomed by the girls to come speak at their meeting regarding my upcoming trip to Korah. The girls were so polite while I spoke, asked curious questions and decided they would be eager and willing to help the children of Korah with the needed items. They enthusiastically made up posters and were excited about making announcements on the school PA system in the morning. I am so lucky to have their help!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013


As we celebrate Easter (and Spring birthday parties) with gifts and eggs and candy and family...I'm wondering what the day will hold for the children in Korah. July can't come soon enough! I've updated my fundraising progress and I've met the 1/3 mark! Thanks to everyone who is contributing and also purchasing sheets for the school. We will do such awesome things...I promise!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

...Coltsville rocks!

Thanks to my colleagues and friends at the Coltsville Autism Program who donated $200.00 through the purchase of raffle tickets for the Korah quilt. Susan was the winner...and I am so appreciative of their support. Thanks also guys for all the compliments on the quilt. It's a good thing we had so many snow days this winter!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Ethiopian Orphans

A new friend and Two Hearts travel mate, Jen Kiran, recently posted this short video. While it is not exactly what we will be doing in Ethiopia...the message is still the same...there are so many beautiful children in Ethiopia who could need more food...more hugs...a mom!! I just watched this with my daughter Ellie (the shoe photo is strikingly similar to the piles of dirty shoes I photographed in her orphanage)...she wishes she could come too to play with the babies and the boys. lol. I have no doubt she will do bigger things when she is older.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Hope for Korah

Another wonderful group of people...doing wonderful things...for beautiful people in Korah. These are the people we will meet...and yes, it will be raining! :) Go to the following site for more:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thanks Mom and Dad!

My mom and dad are official supporters (even though they think this is by far the craziest thing I have ever done). Also.... I discovered what I meme is today (I must have been under a rock or something...) but knew instantly what I wanted to share.... You'll be seeing this again!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

beds and fabric...we need sheets!

As the weeks continue, I am discovering odd circumstances about the trip... Paths crossing...small world "people" know...not the sci fi kind of stuff, but the little nuances that reaffirm your decisions. Today's? We need yards and yards of cotton bed linens. Let me explain... As a mission group, not only will we be volunteering our time in Addis, (I always want to type Adidas) haha...but we will be bringing bags of donations. Stacy contacted Project 61 today and discussed their wish list. They need bed sheets. Twin bed sheet sets for approximately 150 beds at the boarding school. Each student will start the new year with one new and clean set of sheets. We aren't talking the bed-in-a-bag comforter and bolster pillow deal. Just a clean set of solid color bed sheets. That's a Target item for approximately $15.00. An item that the kids won't be coming to school with on their own. So we'll do it! We will raise the money needed to purchase some, ask our friends and family to donate some, involve our communities (I will have our Girl Scouts working on it!) and our little group will bring over 150 sets of bed sheets. Yards and yards and yards of cotton...see...I WAS MEANT TO DO THIS! Here is a picture of a typical dorm room that Stacy took several months ago. And oh, there are six beds to a room this size.

Monday, March 11, 2013

...Please watch

"Some people preach on stage...some people sing...this is what I do...I Mother."

Sunday, March 10, 2013

A cape and a nice tiara

My friend and Two Hearts co-founder Stacy recently posted..."Given a cape and a nice tiara, I could save the world." This rings true on so many levels... Our group has grown and I believe all the spots are filled now. My itinerary is booked...and I ordered the fancy rain boots. I'm getting more excited each day!! I've added $355.00 to the fundraising efforts this weeks (THANKS!) and it looks like I will team up with Lisa's girl scout troop in town as they are interested in a service project. I am looking into a list of needed/wanted items from Korah and the girls are eager to help. Yay!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

puddle jumpers

Our coordinator, Stacy, arranged our flights yesterday and has mailed our itineraries. I'm so lucky to have a traveling companion the whole way....and we will all meet up in Frankfurt and travel as a group from there. The best news I've heard this week about the trip head....the coffee will be AMAZING. ...the worst....the bathroom situation (or actually lack there of But all in all...we are strong and trying to cope with amusing ourselves with jokes about "smooth tea" AKA poop chai...and avid discussions about what rain boots to bring. Here is my pick...

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Beautiful Hearts in Korah

My friend and Two Hearts Co-Founder Stacy recently posted this short documentary (it's only 5 minutes) on the city of Addis. I love the beautiful smiling faces, the beautiful children...and how soccer is again a universal language that brings people together and opens hearts. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Do you know that I still remember the mailing address for the television show "Zoom" that I used to watch as a kid?  It came back to me as I addressed and prepared my first round of Fundraising letters.
Here's an idea....I'll send them never know if someone will pick it up....Box 350...Boston

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Organization Geek..

I've been working hard on developing a fundraising letter...gathering addresses, stressing over the wording and layout, filling my head with fonts and color schemes and every minute detail because yes, I am pretty neurotic like that.  It's a good thing I don't do design for a living...

I rewarded myself with a new 3.99 notebook from TJ Maxx to keep my to do lists and paper scraps together. 

Also, I met a really cool local person this week at Starbucks (I won't publish his name unless he gives me the okay) with a lot of experience with mission trips, particularly to Haiti.  Small world getting smaller...

And best news of all....3 terrific woman have started the fundraising and I was able to update my pretty blue thermometer to $140.00.  Jill ... Connie ... and Jen .... you rock!!!  and a teary thank-you!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Mission: Ethiopia...It's a go!

The invite e-mail came today.  I am officially part of the team!!!  Thank you so much Kim and Stacy for this wonderful opportunity.

Saturday, February 9, 2013 begins

I'd like to share with you a trip that I am going to take to Addis, Ethiopia this summer.  I've been given the wonderful opportunity to be part of a mission trip with Two Hearts for Hope and Project 61, traveling to the village of Korah in Ethiopia during the first two weeks of July.  While we are there (our group also includes 4 other Kaz adoptive moms!), we will be helping with a summer VBS camp for the children in the village...along with giving meals, providing activities and nurture.

I will be involved with a couple of fundraisers to assist with my travel and baggage expenses, but I am also looking for sponsors.  I'm hoping to have 40 people sponsor me for $20.00 or more towards this effort.  However, I realize that amount might not be possible and any amount you are able to give would be greatly appreciated.

Those of you who know me well know how difficult it is for me to ask for help....but this time, I found it more difficult to say "no" to this opportunity.  If you are sending a check, please make it out to Denise Emma...or you can directly use the Paypal button.  (Technology is sometimes very cool).

Thank you for letting me share one of my life long dreams.  If you cannot help me in a financial way...please support me in prayers...well wishes and good thoughts.

Just as when I went to Bulgaria in 2010, I will keep a blog of my efforts in getting ready and daily updates when I am there.  And begins!