Wednesday, May 29, 2013

conference call....check

Guess what happens when you have several women...and one man...on a conference call??? Are you there, Lance? lol Thanks so much for all the helpful insight our fearless leader Stacy shared with us last night. I had difficulty sleeping following the conversations...thinking of what I needed to remember to bring...what not to do....what to have arranged ahead of time... But mostly, I worried. I worry that I don't know how to prepare myself for seeing and hearing the children we will not be able to feed...even though they will ask. I worry that I won't be able to "listen" and will do too much "talking." But mostly...I worry about seeing the women, with babies strapped their backs, who will plead with us to take their precious children back to America. To a family. To a house. To a doctor. To clean food and water. I don't think they have dreams of ... let's see... the dress up clothes, the gymnastics lessons, the birthday parties, the soccer teams...No, I'm quite sure they don't even imagine any of that.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Kidane Mehret Children's Home

This is the orphanage that we will be visiting in Addis. So many sweet faces!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thanks for the contributions....still collecting!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

All my children...

"Watch my babies! Please!" Ellie is rolling them into the bathroom while I am furiously trying to finish getting ready for ... something. She unloads a few backpacks onto the floor. Out spill, what I suppose were baby necessities of doll clothes, an umbrella, some books, a small baby blanket and a set of Russian magic markers. She leaves. Comes back in a few minutes, this time toting more bags filled to rim so I have to ask..."Where are you going?" Ellie answers, "I'm going to some countries. I think first Africa, then maybe Bulgaria and California. And I need you to watch my babies. I have adopted them all...Oh, and here is a book if you want to adopt some more," as she gives me a crumpled American Girl Doll catalog. Big smile now. "I will be gone for seven weeks." Obviously, she is well prepared. She has packed almost all her jewelry, several lip glosses, a sweatshirt, my missing hairbrush, and some stuffed animals. Her other bag contains several packages of Avenger Fruit Snacks. I realize I have taught my daughter well, far better than the boy scouts could. She pops out, and back in. This time she goes over all the details of how to take care of her babies, leaving nothing for me to figure out on my own. She turns to leave, in her silver metallic heels and is on her way. I smile again but am still preoccupied with my own routine of "getting ready." It's then that I hear her talking to the pretend airline attendant. (I'm thinking this is really herself in the mirror...but hang on with me here.) Ellie tells...whoever it is....she is going on a trip to other countries and has left her babies with their grandmother. They will be taken care of and she won't worry, but she will miss them. Then she explains how she is going to help feed children who don't have any food or a house to live in. She talks about how she will bring them food and love them and help them make a house. And look...she is bringing them candy as well because when you don't have food you don't have candy. I'm awe struck. I'm crying...because I always tear up when I see the open heart my daughter has. Then, I realize...she's not pretending to be Merida, or Captain America or even....Darth Vader. This time...she's pretending to be me! nothing else...warms my heart.